
Budget 2022-23

Budget 2022-23 

Major Head/Sub Head Unit of Appropriation as indicated in Demand for Grants of MSDE 2022-23 BE 2022-23 Expenditure up to november 2022 % of Utilisation as per Revised BE
2251. Salaries 19341 19216 99
2251. Wages 0    
2251. Over Time All. 0 0  
2251. Medical Treat. 900 786 87
2251. Domestic Travel Exp. 400 319 80
2251. Foreign Travel Exp. 0    
2251. Office Exp. 5800 5194 90
2251. Rents/Taxes 546 546 100
2251. Publication 0    
2251. Other. Adm.Exp. 50 0  0
2251. Supp./Material 100 95 95
2251. Adv./Publicity 50   0.00
2251. Minor Works 2100 1795 85
2251. Prof. Services 1300 1000 77
2251. Scholr./Stipends 300 260 87
2251. Other Charges 0    
  Non Salary 11500 10101  
  Capital Section      
4070.00.800.29.01.51 Motor Vehicle 0    
4070.00.800.29.01.52 Mach./Equip. 1800 1618 90
  Total Capital 1800 950  
Grand Total (Sal. + Non Sal. + Cap)   32641 30935  

2251 Scheme : National Skill Training Institutes

DDO : NSTI (W) - INDORE (Rs. in Thousands)

Major Head/Sub Head Unit of Appropriation as indicated in Demand for Grants of MSDE 2021-22 Revised RE 2021-22 Expenditure up to 31st March 2022 % of Utilisation as per Revised RE
2251. Salaries 20449 20361 99.57
2251. Wages      
2251. Over Time All.      
2251. Medical Treat. 115 72 62.61
2251. Domestic Travel Exp. 200 194 97.00
2251. Foreign Travel Exp.      
2251. Office Exp. 4207 4198 99.79
2251. Rents/Taxes 670 665 99.25
2251. Publication      
2251. Other. Adm.Exp. 0    
2251. Supp./Material 100 75 75.00
2251. Adv./Publicity 0    
2251. Minor Works 3806 3789 99.55
2251. Prof. Services 650 648 99.69
2251. Scholr./Stipends 15 7.7 51.33
2251. Other Charges 0    
  Non Salary 9763 9648.7 98.83
  Capital Section      
4070.00.800.29.01.51 Motor Vehicle 0    
4070.00.800.29.01.52 Mach./Equip. 2800 2235 79.82
  Total Capital 2800 2235 79.82
Grand Total (Sal. + Non Sal. + Cap)   33012 32244.7 97.68

2251 Scheme : National Skill Training Institutes

DDO : NSTI (W) - INDORE (Rs. in Thousands)

Major Head/Sub Head Unit of Appropriation as indicated in Demand for Grants of MSDE 2019-20 BE 2019-20 RE 2019-20 Expenditure up to 31st March  2020 % of Utilisation as per RE
2251. Salaries 17500 18500 18537 100
2251. Wages 0 0 0 0
2251. Over Time All. 0      
2251. Medical Treat. 420 430 410 95
2251. Domestic Travel Exp. 1470 500 410 82
2251. Foreign Travel Exp. 0      
2251. Office Exp. 4500 3600 3965 110
2251. Rents/Taxes 550 550 513 93
2251. Publication 0      
2251. Other. Adm.Exp. 0   0 0
2251. Supp./Material 400 300 203 68
2251. Adv./Publicity 90 70 45 64
2251. Minor Works 1000 500 330 66
2251. Prof. Services 1600 770 763 99
2251. Scholr./Stipends 105 100 72 72
2251. Other Charges 30 20 18 90
  Non Salary 10165 6840 6729 98
  Capital Section        
4070.00.800.29.01.51 Motor Vehicle 0 0    
4070.00.800.29.01.52 Mach./Equip. 4000 1250


  Total Capital 4000 1250 1339 107
Grand Total (Sal. + Non Sal. + Cap)   31665 26590 26605 100

2251 Scheme : National Skill Training Institutes

DDO : NSTI (W) - INDORE (Rs. in Thousands)

Major Head/Sub Head Unit of Appropriation as indicated in Demand for Grants of MSDE 2020-21 BE 2020-21 RE 2020-21 Expenditure up to 31st March  2021 % of Utilisation as per RE
2251. Salaries 18500 18259 18138 99.34
2251. Wages 50 0 0 0
2251. Over Time All. 0      
2251. Medical Treat. 500 117 113 96.58
2251. Domestic Travel Exp. 450 10 8.6 86
2251. Foreign Travel Exp. 0      
2251. Office Exp. 4200 4300 4216 98.05
2251. Rents/Taxes 550 550 550 100
2251. Publication 0      
2251. Other. Adm.Exp. 50   0 0
2251. Supp./Material 225 150 149 99.33
2251. Adv./Publicity 50   0 0
2251. Minor Works 600 810 807 99.63
2251. Prof. Services 2000 200 195 97.50
2251. Scholr./Stipends 80 94 89.19 94.88
2251. Other Charges 30   0 0
  Non Salary 8785 6231 6121.79 98.25
  Capital Section        
4070.00.800.29.01.51 Motor Vehicle 0 0    
4070.00.800.29.01.52 Mach./Equip. 3800 3800


  Total Capital 3800 3800 3717 97.8
Grand Total (Sal. + Non Sal. + Cap)   31085 28290 27976.79 98.29



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  • Email: 
  • Phone No.: 0731 2991471



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